- Advantage Audio Ascending Whistle Sound (Advantage Audio episodes only)
- Advantage Audio Fall Sound (Advantage Audio episodes only)
- Anime Kabuki Sound 3 (Heard in some episodes, but is mostly heard sampled in one of the episode intro fanfares.)
- Anime Pop Sound 18 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- Anime Stretch Sound 2 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Bainbridge Records, Crashy Springy (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Bomb Drops - Falling from Distance/Sound Ideas, BOMB, WHISTLE - BOMB FALLING: WHISTLE-BY 01
- Cartoon Suction Sound
- Disney Fireworks (1961-2010)/Freesound, S18-18 Whistling rockets.wav
- Elektra Records, Cuckoo Clock Strikes Twelve/Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock Chime CRT2043401 (Heard in a very high pitch in "Big Top Breakfast".)
- Elektra Records, Sawing Wood/Hollywoodedge, Handheld Saw Fast Rev PE196201 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray".)
- Hacienda Post Microphone Feedback Sound (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- H-B BING, CARTOON - VOCAL BING (Heard once in a low pitch in "Jungle Slickers".)
- H-B BITE, CARTOON - SMALL CHOMP (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- H-B BOING, CARTOON - BOING WITH GUITAR AND SPRING WOBBLE (Heard once in reverse in "Can't Take a Yolk". It is also used normally in "Truth Be Told".)
- H-B BOING, CARTOON - HOYT'S LITTLE BOING (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Oregon Astray", "New Guinea Pig" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- H-B BOING, CARTOON - LITTLE BOING (Heard thrice in the intro and once in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- H-B BOING, CARTOON - TWANG-BOING (Heard once in "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- H-B HIT, CARTOON - SMALL BONK 01/Hollywoodedge, Bass String Pluck CRT047102
- H-B PLINK, CARTOON - HIGH PLINK (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Oregon Astray" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- H-B PLINK, CARTOON - LOW PLINK (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- H-B SWISH, CARTOON - RAPID SWISHES (Heard in the Warner Bros. Sound-edited episodes.)
- H-B TEETH, CARTOON - TEETH CHATTER (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- H-B WOBBLE, CARTOON - METAL SHEET WARBLE (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- H-B ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP IN, HIGH/Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP IN/Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - RICCO ZIP IN 01 (R & B) (Heard once in "Yosemite Remedy", "Okay Bayou?", "Palm Beached", "Jamaica Mistake?", "New Guinea Pig", "I Don't Bolivia", "Isle Find Out!", "Escape from Newark" and "Truth Be Told" and twice in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- H-B ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK ZIP (Heavy use of it. A reversed sound effect is sometimes heard.)
- Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057902 (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057906 (Heard thrice in reverse in "Sitting Pretty Awful". It is also used normally in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Baby Whines Cries Huf PE145601 (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bang Whonk CRT032404 (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Africa-Dabra!", "I Don't Bolivia", "Isle Find Out!", "Truth Be Told", "Stay Away from My Honey!", "Timon in Love" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bear Growls SS015401
- Hollywoodedge, Belch 1 Medium BelchC PE138001 (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Hollywoodedge, Belch 5 Wet Short Clos PE138401 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Belch 7 Long Disgusti PE138601 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Once Upon a Timon" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Hollywoodedge, Belch 8 Long Disgusti PE138701
- Hollywoodedge, Belches Slow Very Low TE035705 (An extended version is used.)
- Hollywoodedge, Big Crunchy Bite CRT026401 (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Hollywoodedge, Big Metal Clangthud CRT031902 (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Big Metal Clangthud CRT031903 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Hollywoodedge, Big Single Gulps For CRT026802 (4th gulp; heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Big Slow Boinkboing CRT015801 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Okay Bayou?", "Palm Beached", "I Don't Bolivia", "Isle Find Out!", "Truth Be Told" and "Timon in Love".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Call Jungle Clas PE926403
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Crow Caws CloseP PE020401 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Duck Quacks Clos PE020501 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020801/Hollywoodedge, Hawk Screech Single AT082901
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Peacock Calls Cl PE021401 (Heard once in "Circus Jerks".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bird Rooster 2 Crow PE021501 (Heard thrice in "Jungle Slickers" and once in "Mojave Desserted", "Oregon Astray", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Hot-Air Buffoons".)
- Hollywoodedge, Boar Grunts Multiple AT040701 (9th grunt; heard once in "Isle Find Out!"; used for Pumbaa when he gives an annoyed expression at the camera.)
- Hollywoodedge, Body Falls Wooden Flo PE107401 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Boing Two Bounces CRT018704/Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - DRUM WITH WACKY TAKE (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Boing Wood Twang CRT016301 (Heard twice in "Truth Be Told" and once in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- Hollywoodedge, Boings For Impacts CRT016701 (1st boing heard once in the later version of the intro.)
- Hollywoodedge, Boings For Impacts CRT016702 (Heard once in "Timon's Time Togo".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bottle Rocket 2 Picco PE098501 (Heard once in "Timon in Love".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015802 (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015804 (Heard once in "Back Out in the Outback", "New Guinea Pig", "Africa-Dabra!" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015805
- Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015806 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Okay Bayou?", "Africa-Dabra!", "I Don't Bolivia", "Maine-iacs" and "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Hollywoodedge, Boxing Matc Bell Hit CRT014201
- Hollywoodedge, Bubble Pop CRT049202 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bubble Pop CRT049203 (Heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bubble Pop Whoop CRT049101 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Amazon Quiver".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bubbles Gurgling Up PE052701 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bulb Flash Mix Glass PE177801 (Heard once in "Never Everglades" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bull Roar Medium Pers PE022301 (Heard once in "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- Hollywoodedge, Car Horns 1 SS013601 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cats Fighting Loud Sc PE917007/Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601
- Hollywoodedge, Chickens Clucks Farm AT084301 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Yell PE954901/Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Going Uruguay".)
- Hollywoodedge, Chimpanzee Screams AT050101 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Chimpanzee Screeche PE026201
- Hollywoodedge, Comedy Body Fall Msx CRT017301 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cow Moos Three TimesC PE022901 (1st moo heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Glass PE110801 (Heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110201 (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110401 (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Crowd 100 WWhistles LCA013601
- Hollywoodedge, Crowd Med Disappoint PE961201/Hollywoodedge, Medium Crowd ReactsD PE141801 (Heard in a high pitch, in "Rome Alone".)
- Hollywoodedge, Crowd Med Shock PE961301/Hollywoodedge, Crowd Reaction Shock PE142501
- Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Birdcoocoo 2 CRT036802 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock Strikin PE179401 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock Wticks CRT036801 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Descending Whistle CRT057802 (Heard once in "Going Uruguay", "I Don't Bolivia", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Dog Small Yelps Barks PE023301 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Donkey Brays MediumT PE024701 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Doorbell Ding Dong PE1044003/Hollywoodedge, Home Doorbell Classi PE192101 (Heard once in "Mombasa-In-Law" and "Monster Massachusetts".)
- Hollywoodedge, Doppler Horn By LeftT PE079801 (Heard once in "Never Everglades" and "Puttin' on the Brits".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041301 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041401 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041501 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Dry Squeaky Kiss OrS CRT027702
- Hollywoodedge, Egg Timer Bell DingsL PE193601 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Electricity Arcing 3 PE200301 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Elephant Trumpeting PE024801 (Heard once in "TV Dinner", "Can't Take a Yolk", "Let's Serengeti Out of Here", "Congo On Like This" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Evil Laugh CRT023801 (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Hollywoodedge, Explo Whoosh CRT040202 (Heard once in "French Fried".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fart 4 Very Short High PE139201 (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fart 8 Comical Highpi PE139601 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray", "Africa-Dabra!" and "I Don't Bolivia" and twice in "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fast Decending Drum CRT034004
- Hollywoodedge, Fast Swish CRT053906 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fly Buzz Annoying So CRT010201 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fly Buzz Around By An CRT010202 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Fly Buzzes Against Wi TE016601 (Heard once in "Uganda Be an Elephant" and "Going Uruguay".)
- Hollywoodedge, Forest Birds Medium BT020901
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Engine Wvocal CRT055902 (Heard in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Fly Buzz Talk CRT010207 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Multi Swishes CRT054102/Sound Ideas, SWISH, CARTOON - TWIRLING SWISH, LONG/Sound Ideas, SWISH, CARTOON - TWIRLING SWISH, MEDIUM/SHORT 01/02 (Heard once in the 2nd intro, "Saskatchewan Catch", "Never Everglades" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Sgl Chicken CRT011001 (Heard twice in "Never Everglades" and once in "Yosemite Remedy", "Jamaica Mistake?", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Maine-iacs".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Smallbonks CRT034001 (Heard once in a low volume in "Never Everglades", in a normal volume in "Oregon Astray" and twice in varying pitches in "Boara Boara".)
- Hollywoodedge, Funny Wet Pop CRT049103 (Heard once in "Let's Serengeti Out of Here", "Jungle Slickers" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Goat Baas Close Persp PE025101 (Heard once in "Roach Hotel".)
- Hollywoodedge, Gourd Rattle CRT043601
- Hollywoodedge, Guitar Glissando CRT045901 (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?" and "Boara Boara".)
- Hollywoodedge, Guitar String Pluck CRT047301 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Gusts Heavy Cold Wind PE031601/Hollywoodedge, Whistling Wind Stead PE033301 (Heard once in "Yosemite Remedy", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Harp Boings Arrows CRT016601 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Head Bonk Wbell Drum CRT031901 (Heard once in "Yosemite Remedy", "Palm Beached", "Oregon Astray", "New Guinea Pig", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Heavy Bonk Wbass Dru CRT033001 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Heavy Thick Splat CRT052404 (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?", "Africa-Dabra!" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, High Bird Chirp Bell CRT015501 (Ding only.)
- Hollywoodedge, Highpitched Electr CRT035801 (Heard once in "Ocean Commotion", "Oregon Astray" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, High Pitched Whistl CRT018103 (Heard once in "Boara Boara".)
- Hollywoodedge, Home Doorbell Classi PE192201 (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030401 (Heard in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th intros.)
- Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030403 (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030404 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Hollow Wooden BonkW CRT057102 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Horn Blows CRT021603 (Heard once in "Don't Wake the Neighbear".)
- Hollywoodedge, Jacking Ratchet Cre CRT038301 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Jews Harp Boings 3x CRT016003 (1st boing; heard once in "Oregon Astray", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Isle Find Out!" and 2nd boing; heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Hollywoodedge, Jungle Ambiencespe PE010801 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Hollywoodedge, Jungle Dense Monkeys BT021101
- Hollywoodedge, Large Ceramic Pot Bre TE023001/Hollywoodedge, Pottery Drop Break PE112401 (Heard in low and high pitches in "You Ghana Join the Club" and in a normal pitch in "Big Top Breakfast".)
- Hollywoodedge, Large High Pitch Bell PE190801 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Large Splash Or DiveW PE127201 (Heard twice in "Isle Find Out!" and once in "New Guinea Pig" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Large Splash Or DiveW PE127301 (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!" and "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Laugh Evil Very Lowpi PE131301 (Heard once in "Alcatraz Mataz" and "Recipe for Disaster".)
- Hollywoodedge, Laugh Mischievous Hi PE131401 (Heard once in "Roach Hotel".)
- Hollywoodedge, Lg Metal Wheel Creak CRT053701 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Isle Find Out!" and in a normal pitch in the 2nd intro and "Saskatchewan Catch".)
- Hollywoodedge, Lg Metal Wheel Creak CRT053702 (Heard once in "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- Hollywoodedge, Lion Roar Snarl Growl AT013501 (Heard throughout "Rome Alone".)
- Hollywoodedge, Lion Roar Snarl Growl AT013601 (Heard throughout "Rome Alone".)
- Hollywoodedge, Lion Roar Heavy Snarl AT013701 (Heard throughout "Rome Alone".)
- Hollywoodedge, Long Stretch Pop CRT049307 (Stretch heard once in "Handle with Caribbean".)
- Hollywoodedge, Low Pitched Squeak CRT049301
- Hollywoodedge, Manhic 5xie Drunken CRT026204 (Used for character takes in the Warner Bros. Sound episodes.)
- Hollywoodedge, Medium Crowd AdultsY PE142901
- Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE140401
- Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE140501 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE141401
- Hollywoodedge, Medium Stretch Pop CRT049304 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Metal Bonk Wlowpitc CRT031703 (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Metallic Bonk Rattl CRT032004 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Moose Calls Raspy Hon PE026301 (Heard once in "TV Dinner".)
- Hollywoodedge, Musical Boing Metlc CRT016302 (Heard once in "Going Uruguay" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Musical Rattle CRT043603 (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Night Jungle Dense Ci BT021501
- Hollywoodedge, Object Being Squashe PE105201 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Old Alarm Clock Ring CRT014701 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Old Car Horns Single CRT021302 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Oooweeaaa Horn Soun CRT021601
- Hollywoodedge, Party Noise Wtoy Hor CRT029203 (Heard once in "Going Uruguay" and "Yosemite Remedy".)
- Hollywoodedge, Phone Receiver Picku PE174701 (Heard once in "Animal Barn".)
- Hollywoodedge, Piano Falls Wdangli CRT033603 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Plastic Zipper Openi TE034602 (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Police Wailer Siren PE080801
- Hollywoodedge, Puma Cougar Roar Clas AT016801 (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!" and "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Double Bell Di CRT015001 (1st ding; heard once in "Palm Beached" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Slide Whistle CRT032403 (Heard once in a high pitch in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Swish By Wligh CRT053907 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057501 (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?" and "I Don't Bolivia", thrice in "Mozam-Beaked" and 5 times in "Yosemite Remedy".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057502 (Heard quadrice in "Yosemite Remedy" and "Mozam-Beaked" and once in "I Don't Bolivia" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057503 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Yosemite Remedy", "Maine-iacs" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057504 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057505 (Warner Bros. Post Production Creative Services episodes only. Used in several episodes, i.e. "Africa-Dabra!" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Raccoon Chitters Mul AT034403 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Radio Beeps Static CRT051404 (Heard in "Boara Boara".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rapid High Percuss CRT041408 (Heard several times in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rapid Scissor Snips CRT041701 (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rapid Whirling Ratc CRT058301 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Raspberry Fart Flap CRT050204 (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rattle Wooden Ratch CRT043701 (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Reverse Ricochet 1 St PE207501
- Hollywoodedge, Reverse Ricochet 3 St PE207701 (Heard once in "French Fried", "Palm Beached" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Ricochet CRT2014403 (Heard once faintly in "Congo on Like This".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rooster Crow Typical AT086301 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rubber Balllike Bou CRT016801 (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rubber Balllike Bou CRT016802 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Rottweiler Vicious B PE023601 (Heard once in the 1st intro.)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 1 Woman Singl PE133501
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 2 Man Yell Scre PE134301 (Heard once in a low pitch in "Puttin On The Brits".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 2 Woman Singl PE133601 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 3 Man Gutwren PE134401 (Heard once in "Roach Hotel".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 3 Woman Singl PE133701 (Heard once in "Roach Hotel".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 4 Man Gutwren PE134501 (Heard once "Puttin On The Brits".)
- Hollywoodedge, Screams 7 Woman Three PE134101 (Heard once in "Rome Alone", "TV Dinner" and "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Servo Motor 5 Quick On PE202601 (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Several Rapid Swish CRT054101 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Uganda Be an Elephant" and "Can't Take A Yolk".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sheep Baa Medium Pers PE027001 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Bass Honk WCow CRT032406 (Heard once in "Going Uruguay", "I Don't Bolivia", "Escape from Newark", "Truth Be Told", "Sitting Pretty Awful" and "Timon in Love".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Bulb Horn Honk CRT020701 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Nose Blowsbul CRT021101 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend" and "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Quick Xylopho CRT045801 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Short Smack Stretch CRT049902 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Hollywoodedge, Single Classic Wolf CRT012501 (Heard once in "Animal Barn".)
- Hollywoodedge, Single Gulp Wbubble CRT057001 (Heard once in a very low pitch in "Never Everglades" and in a high pitch in "Jamaica Mistake?", "Oregon Astray" and "Wide Awake in Wonderland".)
- Hollywoodedge, Single Small Bell Di CRT015002
- Hollywoodedge, Sky Rocket Loud High TE021701 (Warner Bros. Post Production Creative Services episodes only)
- Hollywoodedge, Slap 1 PE104201 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057601 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Going Uruguay" and "Yosemite Remedy".)
- Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057602 (Heard once in "Never Everglades" and "Going Uruguay".)
- Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057801 (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle Warbli TE021602 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Small Group Men Wexc CRT029101 (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Hollywoodedge, Small Med Hi Boink CRT016002
- Hollywoodedge, Small Tight Timpani CRT030302 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sm Dirt Rock Spill CRT052401 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sm Heavy Metal Door Sl PE185001 (Heard twice in a high and normal pitch in "Big Top Breakfast", thrice in "Monster Massachusetts" and once in "Never Everglades", "Congo On Like This" and "Okay Bayou?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Splashes Small PlopL TE049201 (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Hollywoodedge, Spring Stretch Thud CRT032201 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "Africa-Dabra!" and several times in "Saskatchewan Catch".)
- Hollywoodedge, Springy Boinge Long CRT016202 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Isle Find Out!" and in a normal pitch in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Springy Boingelong CRT016705
- Hollywoodedge, Squeaky Old Wood Scre PE182001 (Heard once in a low pitch in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Stretch Crash Dish CRT049706 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Stretch Rip Whistle CRT049705 (Heard once in a high pitch in "New Guinea Pig" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swarm Flies Close Per PE012101 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish 17 Multiple Swi PE117601 (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Swish Scratch CRT054901 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sword Shing Long Clan PE245201 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray".)
- Hollywoodedge, Sword Twang 3 Sword Pl PE103901 (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Hollywoodedge, Telephone Rings Fast PE170101 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Tire Skids For Plane PE060901
- Hollywoodedge, Toilet Flush 2 Old Typ PE167401 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Train Horn Blow Medium PE064801 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark"; used as a ship horn.)
- Hollywoodedge, Twangy Boings 7 Type CRT015901 (5th boing; heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Hollywoodedge, Twangy Boing Jews Ha CRT016201 (Heard once in "Back Out in the Outback", "Okay Bayou?" and "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Twangy Boingohyoyo CRT016203
- Hollywoodedge, Warning Buzzer Space PE194501 (Heard once in "Shake Your Djibouti".)
- Hollywoodedge, Vibraphone Gliss CRT047502 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Werewolf Howls Dist TE031002 (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wet Slurpy SquishyC CRT026502 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052303 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wheezy Honk Cymbal PE941302
- Hollywoodedge, Whind Up Toy Click CRT036301 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Whistle Pop CRT058004 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Whistle Spins CRT058601 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Whistle Spins CRT058603 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Whiste Spin Crash CRT058802
- Hollywoodedge, Whistle Wbulb Horn CRT020801 (Heard once in "Shake Your Djibouti".)
- Hollywoodedge, Whistley Whirl Wjew CRT017601
- Hollywoodedge, Whistly Air Release CRT040302 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "Once Upon a Timon".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wolf Vicious GrowlsS PE027201
- Hollywoodedge, Wood Creaks Very Clos PE188801 (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Hollywoodedge, Wood Door OCKnob PE180101
- Hollywoodedge, Wood Door 3 Open SlamM PE180301
- Hollywoodedge, Wubble Wobble Spring PE940704/OMI, Cartoon FX - Warble (Heard once in "Rocky Mountain Lie", "The Truth About Kats and Hogs", "Home is Where the Hog Is", "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra" and "Hot-Air Buffoons".)
- Hollywoodedge, Xylophone Ascendin CRT045701 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Hollywoodedge, Yelper Siren Close PE081001 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Hollywoodedge, Yelper Siren Multipl PE081101
- Horta-Hacienda Violin Scrape (Heard in the Warner Bros. Sound-edited episodes.)
- OMI, Cartoon FX - Kiss (Heard once in "Monster Massachusetts".)
- OMI, Cartoon FX - Record Scratch (Heard once in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- OMI, Misc Noises 2 - Flexitone (Heard once in "Recipe for Disaster".)
- OMI, Noisemakers - Ahooga 02 (Heard once in "Monster Massachusetts".)
- PSEL, ALARM 5 (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- PUNCH WITH BELL DING (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, SINGLE PROP - CESSNA: EXTERNAL: PASS BY 01 (Heard thrice in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, SINGLE PROP - CESSNA: EXTERNAL: PASS BY 02 (Heard twice in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, ALARM, CAR - CAR ALARM GOING OFF, AUTO (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, RACCOON - VOCALIZING (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, ARROW, CARTOON - ARROW SWIZZLE IN (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, AUTO, SKID - BRAKE SKID, TIRE 02 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, BALLOON - BALLOON AIR SQUEAK 01 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, BALLOON - BALLOON AIR SQUEAK 05 (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch".)
- Sound Ideas, BEES - ACTIVE BUZZING AROUND BEEHIVE, ANIMAL, INSECT (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Sound Ideas, BELL, COWBELL - COWBELL RATTLE, LONG/Sound Ideas, BELL, COWBELL - COWBELL RATTLE, SHORT (Heard once in a low pitch in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, BELL, FIGHT - ONE RING, BOXING, SPORTS 01 (Heard once in "Shake Your Djibouti" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, CROW - COMMON CROW: CALLS, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, FLAMINGOES - VARIOUS: CALLS, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Tanzania Zany".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, LOON - COMMON LOON: SINGLE CALL, ANIMAL 03 (Heard once in "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, LOON - COMMON LOON: SINGLE CALL, ANIMAL 04 (Heard once in "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, OWL - CALLING, ANIMAL 02 (Heard in "He's a Bad, Bad, Bad Sport".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, OWL - SINGLE OWL HOOTING, ANIMAL (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, PIGEON - FLAPPING WINGS, CLOSE UP, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, BITE, CARTOON - BIG SHARK BITE (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, BITE, CARTOON - BONE BITE (Heard once in the 2nd and 3rd intros, "Saskatchewan Catch", "Never Everglades", "Africa-Dabra!", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Puttin' on the Brits".)
- Sound Ideas, BLINK, CARTOON - XYLO EYE BLINKS (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch", "Never Everglades", "Mozam-Beaked", "Jamaica Mistake?", "Maine-iacs", "Africa-Dabra!", "I Don't Bolivia", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, BLOOP, CARTOON - LITTLE BLOOP (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Sound Ideas, BLURP, CARTOON - LITTLE BLURP (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Oregon Astray" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - BIG, LONG BOING (Heard once in "It Runs Good".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - BOING AND SPRING (Heard once in a low pitch in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - BOWANG (Heard once in a high pitch in "Palm Beached" and "Africa-Dabra!" and in a normal pitch in "Oregon Astray".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - DRUM HIT WITH TAKE/Sound Ideas, TAKE, CARTOON - SILLY SPRINGY TAKE (Heard once in "French Fried" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - EARS DRUM BOUNCE (Heard thrice in "Sitting Pretty Awful", twice in "Truth Be Told" and once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - FLAT JEWS HARP BOING (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - GONG BOING (Heard once in the intro, "Escape from Newark" and "Circus Jerks".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - GOOD SPRONG 01 (Heard quadrice in "Back Out in the Outback" and once in "Going Uruguay", "Palm Beached" and "Oregon Astray".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - GOOD SPRONG 02 (Heard once in "Tanzania Zany", "Going Uruguay" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - HIGH METAL WOBBLE BOING 02 (Heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - HOYT'S BOING (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch", "Never Everglades", "Tanzania Zany", "Yosemite Remedy", "Isle Find Out!", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - PINGY PLUCK AND SLIDE 01 (Heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - PINGY PLUCK AND SLIDE 04 (Heard briefly in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - PINGY PLUCK AND SLIDE 06 (Heard briefly in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - RIPPLE BOING (Heard twice in "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - SHORT FLAT BOING (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - SPITTOON DOINK (Heard once in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica", "Africa-Dabra!" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - TIMP RISE AND BOING (1st half; heard thrice in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - WINNIE'S SPELL (Musical accent heard once in "Boara Boara".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - BOINK 01
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - BOINK 03 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - DOINK 01 (Heard once in "Monster Massachusetts" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - DOINK 02 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - DOINK 03 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Okay Bayou?", "Palm Beached" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - HOYT'S BOINK (Used in the intro in later seasons when Pumbaa bounces. It is also used in "Palm Beached", "I Don't Bolivia", "Isle Find Out!" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - TIMP DOINK (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch".)
- Sound Ideas, BORK, CARTOON - LOUD ZORK (Heard once in a slightly high pitch in "Jamaica Mistake?" and in a normal pitch in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, BORK, CARTOON - LOW BORK (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Oregon Astray" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, BUBBLES, WATER - MEDIUM, RAPID BUBBLES (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, BURP - LARGE BURP, HUMAN 01
- Sound Ideas, BURP - LARGE BURP, HUMAN 02
- Sound Ideas, BURP - MEDIUM BURP, HUMAN 03
- Sound Ideas, CAMEL - VOCALIZATIONS, ANIMAL (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON - BIG WHIRLING WIND UP AND FAST TAKE OFF (Heard once in "Boara Boara".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON - CRAZY REACTION (Heard once in "Boara Boara".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON - LOSING YOUR MIND 01 (Heard briefly in a low pitch in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON - WACKY TAKE AND TAKE OFF, RUN (Heard once in "Animal Barn".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, ACCENT - XYLOPHONE TRILL, LONG, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard once in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica", "Yosemite Remedy", "Palm Beached" and "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, AIRPLANE - PROP PLANE DIVE AND SWOOP BY (Used in forward and reverse in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, AIRPLANE - PROP PLANE POWER DIVE SCREAM (Heard twice in "Big Top Breakfast" and once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BELL - COWBELL: FAST RINGING (Heard twice in "Palm Beached" and once in "Never Everglades", "Wide Awake in Wonderland", and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - JEW'S HARP SPROING (Heard once in a high pitch in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - STRING PLUCK (Heard once in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica" and "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BOING - THIN METAL PING AND WARBLE 01 (Heard once in "Timon on the Range", "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra", "Escape from Newark" and "Circus Jerks".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BIRD - HEAD BONK BIRDS CHIRPING (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, BIRD - LIGHT TWITTERING OF BIRDS (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, CAT - ANGRY CAT: SINGLE MEOW (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, CHICKEN - EXCITED CLUCKING AND SQUAWKING IN HEN HOUSE (Heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, COW - MOO, ANIMAL 04 (1st moo; heard once in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, CRY - BABY CRYING 03 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, DOG - DOG AND CAT FIGHT (Heard once in "Jailhouse Shock".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, FARM - VARIOUS ANIMALS IN FARMYARD (Heard once in a low pitch in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, GONG - SHORT HIT WITH SMALL GONG, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, CRASH (Heard once in a high pitch in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, HORN - BICYCLE HORN, THREE QUICK TOOTS (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, HORN - BICYCLE HORN, THREE TOOTS (Heard once in "Can't Take a Yolk".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, HORN - SHORT HORN TOOT, LOW (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, HORN - SHORT, SHARP HORN TOOT, HIGH (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, KISS - SQUEAKY KISS (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, MONSTER - PREHISTORIC CREATURE SCREECHES, CREATURE (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, PIG - SEVERAL PIGS GRUNTING AND SQUEALING (Heard twice in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, PLUCK - SMALL VIOLIN STRING PLUCK AND BEND 01 (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Timon's Time Togo".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, POP - WHOOSHY POP (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, PUMP - RAPID SQUEAKY PUMPING (Heard once in "Oregon Astray" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, RATTLE - RAPID BONKS (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, RATTLE - RATTLING, WOOD (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend" and "Recipe for Disaster".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SLIDE - BAGPIPE SLOW DOWN 01 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SLIDE - LONG VIOLIN SLIDE DOWN (Heard once in "Back Out in the Outback".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SLIDE - MEDIUM VIOLIN SLIDE DOWN (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SLIDE - SHORT VIOLIN SLIDE UP (Heard once in a low pitch in "Rocky Mountain Lie" and in a normal pitch in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUAWK - SMALL HORN BONK 01 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Stay Away from My Honey!" and in a normal pitch in "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUAWK - SMALL HORN BONK 02 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUEAK - SEVERAL RUBBER SQUEAKS, STRETCH (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Jamaica Mistake?", "New Guinea Pig", "Africa-Dabra!" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUEAK - SHORT WOOD SQUEAK (Heard once in a high pitch in "Oregon Astray" and in a normal pitch in the intro and in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUEAK - SQUEAKY SCREW 01 (Heard once in a low pitch in "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUISH - SHORT GURGLE AND SQUISH (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries", "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra" and "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, STRETCH - GUITAR BEND: CONTINUOUS SPRINGY STRETCHING (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TIGHTROPE - TIGHTROPE WOBBLE AND VIBRATE (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - BOWSTRING TWANG 01 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - BUZZING WOOD TWANG 02 (Heard once in "Monster Massachusetts" and twice in "Hot-Air Buffoons".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - RISING SAW BLADE TWANG (Heard thrice in "Hot-Air Buffoons" and once in "Handle with Caribbean" and "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - SHORT DESCENDING TWANG 02 (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful" and "Hot-Air Buffoons".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - SHORT RISE AND FALL TWANG 01 (Heard twice in "Hot-Air Buffoons".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - SHORT RISING TWANG 01 (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - SHORT RISING TWANG 02 (Heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs" and "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - SHORT WOBBLY TWANG (Heard once in "Library Brouhaha".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - WOBBLING TWANG (Heard in a high pitch in the 1st season intro, as well as in other episodes, too, i.e. "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, TWANG - WOODEN TWANG (Heard once in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs" and "Timon's Time Togo".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, VIBRAPHONE - DREAMY VIBES EFFECT, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard thrice in "I Don't Bolivia" and once in "Saskatcheawan Catch".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, VIBRAPHONE - TRANSITION EFFECT, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard once in "Timon's Time Togo".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: FAST ZIP BY 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: FAST ZIP UP (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: QUICK ZIP DOWN (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: QUICK ZIP UP (Heard once in a high pitch and twice in a normal pitch in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: ZIP DOWN 01 (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: ZIP DOWN 02 (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHISTLE - ZING WHISTLE, MEDIUM 04 (Heard once in "Rocky Mountain Lie" and "Congo On Like This".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, WHIZZ - FAST WHIZZ BY (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?" and "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, ZIP - FAST ZIP IN 01 (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, ZIP - HIGH 01 (Heard once in "Rocky Mountain Lie".)
- Sound Ideas, CHAINSAW - START, RUN, MAKE SEVERAL SHORT CUTS, SHUT OFF, LOGGING (Heard once in "Oregon Astray".)
- Sound Ideas, CHICKEN - BARNYARD, C.U. CLUCK, SQUAWK, FLAP, ANIMAL, BIRD (Heard once in "Stand By Me".)
- Sound Ideas, CHICKEN - EXCITED, FLURRY THEN SETTLES DOWN, ANIMAL, BIRD (Heard once in "Don't Break the China".)
- Sound Ideas, CHILDREN - CHEERING, CROWD 02 (Heard once in "Two for the Zoo".)
- Sound Ideas, CHIMES - MAGIC CHIMES RINGING (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, CLOCK, GRANDFATHER - STRIKES ONE HOUR, BIG BEN RHYTHM (Heard once in "Werehog of London".)
- Sound Ideas, COUGAR - GROWL, ANIMAL, MOUNTAIN LION, CAT 04 (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Sound Ideas, COMEDY, ACCENT - LARGE JEWS HARP: BULLFROG (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, COMEDY, ACCENT - SMALL JEWS HARP: HOPPING (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, COUNTRY, DAY - BIRDS, CRICKETS, STEADY BREEZE, AMBIENCE (Heard once in a high pitch in "Congo On Like This" and in a normal pitch in "Jungle Slickers".)
- Sound Ideas, COW - TWO MOOING, ANIMAL 01 (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!" and "Maine-iacs".)
- Sound Ideas, CRASH, WOOD - LARGE WOOD CRUNCH 01 (Heard once in "Oregon Astray" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, CREAK, DOOR - SHORT DOOR CREAK, FAST (Heard once in "Monster Masschusetts" and "The Truth About Kats and Hogs".)
- Sound Ideas, DRAWBRIDGE - GEAR AND CHAIN MECHANISM MOVING DRAWBRIDGE, CASTLE 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, ELECTRONIC - MOOG BLIP, HIGH (Heard several times in a high pitch in "Congo On Like This".)
- Sound Ideas, FART - LARGE FART, HUMAN 05
- Sound Ideas, FIREWORKS - SEQUENCE OF FIREWORKS, EXPLOSION (Heard once in "Maine-iacs".)
- Sound Ideas, FLAG - SMALL FLAG: SINGLE FLAP (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, FLY - SINGLE FLY BUZZING AROUND, ANIMAL, INSECT 01 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, FOREST, DAY - GENERAL AMBIENCE: BIRDS CLOSE, DISTANT (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?", "Brazil Nuts" and "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, GUN, RICOCHET - RICOCHET: SINGLE SHOT, BULLET 02 (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Jamaica Mistake?", "New Guinea Pig", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - PINGY HEAD SHAKE (Heard once in "Palm Beached" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BIG HEAD BONK (Heard once in "Escape from Newark" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BRAKE DRUM AND BULB HORN HIT (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch", "Tanzania Zany", "Isle Find Out!", "All Pets are Off", "Boary Glory Days", "Escape from Newark" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - COCONUT HIT 01 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - COCONUT HIT 02 (Heard quadrice in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - FLBONK (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - GEDUNK (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?", "Oregon Astray", "Wide Awake in Wonderland", "Truth Be Told" and "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HIT AND BOWANG (Heard once in "Okay Bayou?".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HIT AND WIGGLE (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW HEAD KONK AND ZIP (Heard once in "Going Uruguay" and "Yosemite Remedy".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK AND HORN (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK 01 (Heard once in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK 02 (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - KABONG (Heard once in "Boara Boara" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - LID ON MANHOLE HIT (Heard once in "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SHRILL BILP (Heard once in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK KONK 01 (Heard thrice in "Palm Beached" and once in "Oregon Astray" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK KONK 02 (Heard thrice in "Escape from Newark", twice in "Palm Beached" and "Truth Be Told" and once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - TIMP RISE (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - ZIP AND HEAVY THUMP (Heard once in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, METAL - ANVIL FALL ON HEAD, CARTOON 01 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, HORN, CARTOON - OLD BULB HORN (Heard twice in "Escape from Newark" and once in the 2nd intro, "Palm Beached" and "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, HORN, FOG - LOW FOG HORN (Heard once in a high pitch in "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE, CARTOON - HORSE CANTER 02 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - EXTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 05 (Heard at the end of "Puttin' on the Brits".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE - EXTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 06 (Heard at the end of "Puttin' on the Brits".)
- Sound Ideas, HUMAN, BABY - CRYING (2nd half used once as a gag to accent Pumbaa crying like a baby in "Circus Jerks".)
- Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - SCREAM: FEMALE, HORROR 03 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Big Top Breakfast" and in a low pitch in "Congo On Like This", when Timon screams at a wild dog.)
- Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - SCREAMS, WOMAN, VERSION 4, HUMAN, DIGIFFECTS (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - BABOO MAGIC 02 (Heard once in a low pitch in "Africa-Dabra!" and in a normal pitch in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - BABOO MAGIC 04 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - GLISTEN
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - MAGIC BURST (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, MAGIC - MAGIC ZAP AND GLISTEN (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, OTTER - ASIAN SEA, DISTANT TO CLOSE CRIES & PEEPS, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, HIGH 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, MEDIUM 02 (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUCK, CARTOON - SINGLE BLURP (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUCK, CARTOON - VAROOP (Heard once in the intro, "Never Everglades", "Okay Bayou?", "Mozam-Beaked", "Palm Beached", "Jamaica Mistake?", "Maine-iacs", "Africa-Dabra!", "I Don't Bolivia", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark" and thrice in "Yosemite Remedy".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUNGER, CARTOON - SINGLE PLUNGER BLOP 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUNGER, CARTOON - SINGLE PLUNGER BLOP 02 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, POP, CARTOON - SQUISH POP (Heard twice in "Saskatchewan Catch" and once in "Palm Beached", "Africa-Dabra!" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, PRAIRIE DOG - SQUEALING, ANIMAL, RODENT (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - BOW STRING RICCO (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 05 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 06 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Guatemala Malarkey", "Mozam-Beaked" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 07 (Heard once in "Big Top Breakfast".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - HARD TUBE RICCO (Heard once in "Palm Beached".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - TUBE ARRIVE 02 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - WHOOF TUBE RICCO (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?", "Wide Awake in Wonderland", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, ROBOT, MOTOR - ROBOT SERVO MOTOR 03 (Heard once in a high pitch in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK GALLOP, SHORT/LONG (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Escape from Newark" and "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK RIOT, SHORT/MEDIUM/LONG (Heard once in "My Meteor, My Friend".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - RICCO ZAP (Heard once in "Monster Massachusetts".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - ROSEY'S ROBOT MOTOR (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - SENSOR BEEPS 02 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - SINGING SWORD (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - SINGLE HRC TRACER SHOT (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SCREECH - IRRITATING SCREECH LIKE NAILS ON BLACKBOARD, CARTOON 04 (Heard once in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica".)
- Sound Ideas, SHAKE, CARTOON - SHORT RATTLY SHAKE (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, SHAKER, SALT - SHAKE SALT SHAKER (Heard once in "Maine-iacs".)
- Sound Ideas, SKID, CARTOON - BROKEN SKID (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FAST SLIDE UP AND DOWN 01 (Heard once in "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FAST SLIDE UP AND DOWN 02 (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE AND QUICK RUN UP (Heard once in "Uganda Be an Elephant", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE DOWN 01 (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch", "Never Everglades" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE DOWN, LONG (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE DOWN, SHORT (Heard once in "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP 01 (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, LONG (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Stay Away from My Honey!".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, SHORT 01 (Heard once in "Mozam-Beaked" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, SHORT 02 (Heard once in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica", "Stay Away from My Honey!" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - QUICK SLIDE UP AND DOWN (Heard once in "New Guinea Pig".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - SHORT SPLING (Heard once in "Never Everglades", "Yosemite Remedy" and "Oregon Astray".)
- Sound Ideas, SLURP, CARTOON - BIG DOUBLE SLURP, HUMAN (Heard once in "Jamaica Mistake?", "New Guinea Pig" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, SLURP, CARTOON - BIG SINGLE SLURP, HUMAN (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, SPACE, ZAP - RISING ZAP, GUN, CARTOON (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SPIN, CARTOON - SPIN COMMOTION (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SPIT, CARTOON - SINGLE SPLUT (Heard once in "I Don't Bolivia".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - AIR BY AND SPLAT (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOP 01 (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOP 02 (Heard once in "Never Everglades" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOP 03 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PAINT FIGHT GLOPS (Heard once in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - PIE IN FACE SPLAT (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - WET HIT 01 (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, SPLAT, CARTOON - WET HIT 02 (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - RUBBING SQUEAKS (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - SHORT BALLOON SQUEAK (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - SINGLE RUB SQUEAK 02 (Heard thrice in "Palm Beached" and once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - SINGLE RUB SQUEAK 03 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, GLASS - QUICK GLASS RUBBING SQUEAKS, CARTOON (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, METAL - MOVE SIDE TO SIDE (Heard once in a high pitch in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUIRT, WATER - SMALL STREAM OF WATER SQUIRTING, CARTOON 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUISH, CARTOON - LITTLE SQUISH (Heard once in "Congo On Like This", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUISH, CARTOON - SOFT SQUISH (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, STRETCH, PLASTIC - PLASTIC STRETCHING SQUEAKS, CARTOON 04 (Heard once in "Palm Beached", "Oregon Astray", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, SWISH, CARTOON - FAST TWIRLING SWISH, LONG/MEDIUM/SHORT 01/02 (Heard once in "Timon on the Range".)
- Sound Ideas, SWOOSH, CARTOON - BIG SWOOSH 01 (Heard once in "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, TAKE, CARTOON - FUNNY RUN UP TAKE (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, TAKE, CARTOON - TUBE TAKE (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, TEETH, CARTOON - SCOOBY'S TEETH CHATTER, LONG/SHORT (Heard once in a high pitch in "Stay Away from My Honey!" and in a normal pitch in "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, THUNDER - BIG THUNDER CRACK AND RUMBLE, WEATHER (Heard once in "Guatemala Malarkey" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, THUNDER - THUNDER CLAP AND RUMBLE, WEATHER 01 (Series 6000) (Heard thrice in "Jamaica Mistake?".)
- Sound Ideas, TOY - SQUEEZE TOY: SINGLE SQUEEZE 01 (Heard in the 2nd intro and mainly in the episodes edited by Warner Bros. Sound.)
- Sound Ideas, TOY - SQUEEZE TOY, SQUEAKING 01 (Heard once in the 1st intro, "Okay Bayou?", "Isle Find Out!", "Escape from Newark" and "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, TRAIN, DIESEL - PASSES BY, HORN BLASTS (Heard once in "The Pain in Spain".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - HOYT'S BOW TWANG (Heard once in "Mozam-Beaked" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - METALLIC RULER VIBRATE (Heard once in "Never Everglades".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - SAW BLADE TWANG 01 (Heard once in "Special Defects".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - SAW BLADE TWANG 02 (Heard once in "How to Beat the High Costa Rica", "Mozam-Beaked", "Palm Beached", "Jamaica Mistake?" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, WATER, LAKE - WATER LAPPING ON ROCK SHORE, LIGHT, WAVES (Heard once in "Truth Be Told".)
- Sound Ideas, WHISTLE, FACTORY - STEAM WHISTLE: TWO BLASTS, INDUSTRY 01/Sound Ideas, WHISTLE, STEAM - FACTORY WHISTLE, LARGE FACTORY (Heard once in a high pitch in "French Fried".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - ACCENT, MUSIC, PERCUSSION 03 (1st part; heard once in "Oregon Astray".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - XYLOPHONE: LONG RUN DOWN, CARTOON, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard once in "French Fried", "Yosemite Remedy" and "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - XYLOPHONE: LONG RUN UP, CARTOON, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard twice in "French Fried" and once in "Mozam-Beaked" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - BIG WHISTLE ZING OUT (Heard in the 2nd and 3rd intros, and "Saskatchewan Catch", "Africa-Dabra!", "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - BIRD ZIP (Heard once in "Africa-Dabra!" and "Visiting Pig-nitaries".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - HOYT'S ZIP (Heard once in a slightly low pitch in "The Truth About Kats and Hogs" and in a normal pitch "Recipe for Disaster".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK FIDDLE ZIP UP (Heard once in "Escape from Newark" and "Timon in Love".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK SLIDE WHISTLE ZIP DOWN (Heard twice in "Isle Find Out!" and once in "Uganda Be an Elephant", "Back Out in the Outback", "Going Uruguay", "Yosemite Remedy", "Palm Beached", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP OUT (Heard once in "Saskatchewan Catch".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP OUT, HIGH (Heard once in "French Fried", "Big Top Breakfast", "Okay Bayou?", "Palm Beached", "Isle Find Out!", "Escape from Newark" and "Truth Be Told" and quadrice in "Yosemite Remedy".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - SHARP WHISTLE ZIP (Heard once in a slightly high pitch in "Africa-Dabra!" and in a normal pitch in "Yosemite Remedy", "Palm Beached", "I Don't Bolivia" and "Isle Find Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - SHARP ZIP (Heard once in the 2nd intro and in the song "Stand By Me". It is also heard in "Saskatchewan Catch", "Never Everglades", "Palm Beached", "Jamaica Mistake?", "Africa-Dabra!", "I Don't Bolivia", "Isle Find Out!" and "Escape from Newark".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - ZURUP (Heard once in "Tanzania Zany", "Okay Bayou?" and "Africa-Dabra!".)
- SoundDogs, Cartoons - Zip - CU - Fast Ascending Zip, High Pitched (Heard once in "Mozam-Beaked".)
- Tanner Roar
- Taz Spin
- WB CARTOON, HEAD SHAKE - TROMBONE GOBBLE (Heard once in "Visiting Pig-nitaries" and "Sitting Pretty Awful".)
Timon & Pumbaa/Sound Effects Used/Alphabetically