This sound effect can be found on the Series 6000 Extension I Sound Effects Library, which was made by Sound Ideas.
Basic Info[]
- First recorded: 1997
- Creator: Brian Nimens
- Owner: Sound Ideas (1997-present)
- Origin: United States and Canada
- Year debut: TBD
- First heard: TBD
- Area used: Worldwide (especially in the United States and Canada)
Clean, Full Length and Unedited Link to the Sound Effect[]
Used In[]
TV Shows[]
- 6 Little McGhees (Heard once or twice in "Meet the McGhees".)
- The Amazing World of Gumball (Heard once in "The Rerun", "The Weirdo", and "The Rival".)
- Chip and Potato
- Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (Heard once in "The Baby is Here!".)
- Ed, Edd n' Eddy (1st cry/gurgle heard once in "Run, Ed, Run".)
- Gerald McBoing Boing (2005) (Used for Jacob's baby sister when she cries in "Baby Sister, Chalk & King Gerald".)
- Grandpa in My Pocket (Heard once in "The Day the Baby Came to Stay".)
- Larva (TV Series) (Heard once in "Once Upon a Time" when Yellow Larva was born.)
- MAD (Used for Baby-Never-Stops-Crying in a Rejected Toy Story 3 Characters segment in "Star Blecch / uGlee".)
- Oggy and the Cockroaches (Used in Seasons 5-6.)
- The Nutshack (Heard in "Pimp My Jeepney".)
- Phil of the Future (Heard once in "My Way".)
- The Walking Dead (Heard once in "Lines We Cross".)
- Baby Ruby (2022)
- The Coffin (2008)
- Cuties (2020)
- Extra Ordinary (2019)
- Dark Waters (2019)
- Fatherhood (2021) (Used for Maddy as a baby when she cries.)
- Lucky 13 (2005) (Heard twice.)
- Ne Zha (2019)
- Outside the Wire (2021) (Heard once in a low volume when Harp enters the entryway and hears a baby bawling inside of the warehouse.)
- Quints (2000)
- Willy's Wonderland (2021)
- M is for Mariachi Loco (2013) (Shorts)
Video Games[]
- Fallout 3 (Used in the opening cutscene where the player is born and also for the baby carriage bomb traps.)
- 5-Hour Energy (Commercials)
- Disney Baby (Commercials)
- Hotwire (Commercials) (Heard once in "The Hotwire Effect - Puppet".)
- LHSCCanada - Period of Purple Crying (2018)
- Baby Ruby (2022) (Trailers)
YouTube Videos[]
- Andy Pagana Videos
- BBC Trending (Heard once in "The disturbing YouTube videos that are tricking children" during an example of 'Elsagate'-style content.)
- 🌸Cosmo The Seedrian🌸
- Dane Boe (1st and 2nd cries used for Ninja Baby when he cries in "Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse".)
- Microsoft Ana
- The Mik Maks
- New York Post (Heard once in "YouTube Kids App Features Violent, Sexual, and Inappropriate Content" during an example of 'Elsagate'-style content.)
- Saberspark (Heard once in "The DARK SIDE of Youtube Kids Cartoons" during an example of 'Elsagate'-style content.)
- ScottlovestheLord
- SML Videos (Heard once in "The Baby Project" and quadrice in "Black Yoshi's Kids".)
- Xploshi (Heard once in "Spectrephone TV Advert" along with "Sound Ideas, HUMAN, BABY - CRYING".)
Image Gallery[]
Audio Samples[]