Soundeffects Wiki

This sound effect can be found on FX Collection Sound Effects Library by Digiffects, which was made by Sound Ideas. Among the sounds included are BOING, CARTOON - SHORT, LOW BOING, BOING, CARTOON - SHORT, SMALL BOING, Bell Bonk Ring PE941004, higher quality versions of Boing Box Bing CRT2010806 and Wubble Wobble Spring PE940704, Anime Body Fall Sound 19 without the added effects, a processed variant of SKID, CARTOON - BROKEN SKID, a low pitched variant of BOING, CARTOON - EARS DRUM BOUNCE, differently-pitched versions of Bulb Horn Honk PE940706 and much more. With the exception of the first sound, all of these came from OMI's Universe of Sounds.

Clean, Full Length and Unedited Link to the Sound Effect[]

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