Soul Quest Overdrive is an American adult animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Soul Quest Overdrive is a spin-off of the Adult Swim series Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It was created by Aqua Teen Hunger Force creators Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis. It made its formal debut and ended on May 24, 2011, leaving two episodes unaired. The series is about the misadventures of four anthropomorphic pieces of sports equipment.
Also See[]
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (2007)
- Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm (2022)
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
- Sound Ideas, HUMAN, BABY - CRYING (Used for some babies when they cry in "Adoption".)