This sound effect can be found on The Premiere Edition Volume 1, which was made by The Hollywood Edge.
Sound Effect Description[]
Dog, Medium; Barks, Interior, Medium Close Perspective.
Clean, Full Length and Unedited Link to the Sound Effect[]
Used In[]
TV Shows[]
- 101 Dalmatians: The Series (Heard once in "Cupid Pups".)
- The Boondocks (Heard once in "The Story of Catcher Freeman".)
- Barney & Friends (Heard in:)
- "Hi, Neighbor!" (twice)
- "Butterflies" (twice)
- "Listen!" (once during the song of the same name)
- Curious George (Heard once in "Curious George, Dog Counter".)
- Fireman Sam (Heard once in "Off-Duty Sam".)
- Sesame Street (Heard once in "What Comes Next?: Babies and Dogs" and "What's the Word on the Street?: Dogs".)
- Teacher's Pet (Heard once in "Science Not Fair".)
- The Little Mermaid (1989) (Heard once in a high pitch.)
- Boyz n the Hood (1991)
- Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)
Video Games[]
- Samurai Shodown V (2003) (Used for Shikuru)
- Samurai Shodown V Special (2004) (Used for Shikuru)
Sega Pico
- Mickey's Blast Into the Past (Video Game) (Use for Pluto's barks in the clock.)
PlayStation 1:
- Majokko Daisakusen: Little Witching Mischiefs (1999)
YouTube Videos[]
- The Best Pals Hand Show (Heard once in "Their First Cook Off!")
- Tonia LaJaunie Videos (Heard in "Dr. Seuss' Crash Bandicoot™ The Movie: The Thievius Raccoonus", Used for Max the sheepdog.)
- Webkinz
Image Gallery[]
Hollywoodedge, Dog Medium Barks Inte PE023201/Image Gallery
Audio Samples[]