Soundeffects Wiki

This is a rare Hanna-Barbera sound effect that was not available on the Hanna-Barbera Sound Effects Library. It's not available anywhere as a standalone sound effect, but it can be found included in Cartoons - Whistles, Pops & Bounces - Interior - C U - A Large Variety Of Cartoon Sounds 01 and 02 on the Soundstorm Sound Effects Library, and CARTOON, ACCENT - MONTAGE OF CARTOON EFFECTS 02 on the Turner Entertainment Co. Sound Effects Library. It's a higher-pitched version of H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - SHORT SLIDE WHISTLE UP. It shouldn't be confused with CARTOON, WHISTLE - SLIDE WHISTLE: FAST SLIDE UP, ZIP 03 on the Warner Bros. Sound Effects Library.

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(Joel Valentine's edit.)
