Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy are Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters who debuted on The Quick Draw McGraw Show and appeared in their own segment. The segments centered on the misadventures of a dachshundfather-and-son team. Doggie Daddy (voiced on the show by Doug Young with a Brooklyn accent, based on a Jimmy Durante impersonation) tried to do the best he could at raising his rambunctious son Augie (voiced by Daws Butler). The characters have made appearances outside of their series, including in their own video game and in Yogi's Ark Lark and its spin-off series.
The segments centered around the misadventures of a dachshund father-and-son team. Doggie Daddy (voiced by Doug Young) tried to do the best he could at raising his rambunctious son Augie (voiced by Daws Butler). Augie, who loved his father, would often refer to him as "dear old Dad." Their mutual admiration included Daddy gently chiding, "Augie, my son, my son", when he would disappoint his father; and when his son would say or do something that inspired pride, Daddy would turn to the audience and say with a grin, "Dat's my boy who said dat!"
The segments and characters were similar to the Spike and Tyke cartoons William Hanna and Joseph Barbera produced during their theatrical animation careers at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in the 1940s and 1950s.
TV Show Intro[]
Sound Effects Used[]
- H-B BING, CARTOON - VOCAL BING (Extended variant heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping", "Pipsqueak Pop", "Fan-Clubbed" and "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- H-B CREAK, METAL - METAL DOOR CREAK (Heard once in "Let's Duck Out!".)
- H-B HIT, CARTOON - SMALL BONK 01/Hollywoodedge, Bass String Pluck CRT047102 (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- H-B PLINK, CARTOON - XYLO PLINK 01 (Heard once in "Gone to the Ducks" and "Little Wonder".)
- H-B PLINK, CARTOON - XYLO PLINK 02 (Heard once in "Gone to the Ducks" and "Little Wonder".)
- H-B RISE, CARTOON - SHELL SCREAMING RISE UP (Heard once in "Whatever Goes Pup".)
- H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - SHORT SLIDE WHISTLE DOWN (Heard once in "It's a Mice Day!", "Bud-Brothers" and "Treasure Jest".)
- H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - SHORT SLIDE WHISTLE UP (Heard once in "Snagglepuss", "Bud-Brothers", "Patient Pop", "Let's Duck Out!" and "The Party Lion".)
- H-B SQUEAK, CARTOON - ROLLING WHEEL SQUEAKS (Heard once in "Fan-Clubbed" and "Mars' Little Precious".)
- H-B SPIN, CARTOON - WACKY SPIN WITH DRUM (Heard once in "Dough-Nutty".)
- H-B WOBBLE, CARTOON - METAL SHEET WARBLE (Heard once in "Patient Pop".)
- H-B ZIP, CARTOON - HIGH WHISTLE ZING OUT (Heard once in "Peck O'Trouble".)
- Hollywoodedge, Big Single Gulp ie Dr CRT026803/Sound Ideas, GULP, CARTOON - BIG GULP, HUMAN (Debut; heard twice in "Good Mouse-Keeping" and "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015806 (Heard quadrice in "Pipsqueak Pop" and once in "Whatever Goes Pup", "Fuss 'n Feathers" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Hollywoodedge, Cans Crash Floor Rol CRT033403/Sound Ideas, CRASH, CANS - FALLING CANS (Heard once in "Cat-Happy Pappy".)
- Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, JET - FAST PASS BY, LONG/SHORT (Heard once in "The Party Lion".)
- Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, PROP - LONG DIVE 02 (Heard once in "Swat's the Matter?" and "The Musket-Tears".)
- Sound Ideas, AUTO, CARTOON - AUTO WHIZZ BY, ZOOM 03 (Heard once in "Pop's Nature Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, BIRD, CHICKEN - FUNNY HEN CLUCKS, ANIMAL (Debut; heard once in "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Sound Ideas, BLOOP, CARTOON - LITTLE BLOOP (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - BOINK AND WIGGLE (Heard once in "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - FLAT JEWS HARP BOING (Heard once in "Whatever Goes Pup", "It's a Worm Day!" and "Little Wonder".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - SHORT FLAT BOING (Heard 24 times in "Horse-Feathers", 19 times in "Treasure Jest" and 6 times in "Playmate Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - SPROING 01 (Heard twice in "Pint Giant" and "Treasure Jest" and once in "Nag, Nag, Nag!", "Pup Plays Pop", "Good Mouse-Keeping", "Whatever Goes Pup", "Peck O'Trouble", "Playmate Pup" and "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - BOINK 01 (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - BOINK 03 (Heard once in "Skunk You Very Much", "In the Picnic of Time", "Good Mouse-Keeping", "Peck O'Trouble", "It's a Mice Day!" and "Bud-Brothers".)
- Sound Ideas, BOINK, CARTOON - PIXIE AND DIXIE BOINKS (Heard once in "Skunk You Very Much", "Good Mouse-Keeping", "It's a Mice Day!", "Dough-Nutty" and "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, BOUNCE, CARTOON - TIMP BOUNCE, SLOW (Heard once in "Horse-Fathers".)
- Sound Ideas, BUBBLES, WATER - MEDIUM BUBBLES (Heard once in "Hum, Sweet Hum".)
- Sound Ideas, CARTOON, SQUEAK - SHORT WOOD SQUEAK (Heard once in "Gone to the Ducks", "Mars' Little Precious", "Snagglepuss", "Hum, Sweet Hum", "Peck O'Trouble", "It's a Mice Day!" and "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, COMEDY - LICKING (Heard once in "Bud-Brothers".)
- Sound Ideas, CRASH, CARTOON - BIG METAL CRASH (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop", "Swat's the Matter?", "Peck O'Trouble" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, CRASH, CARTOON - CRAZY BASS DRUM AND CYMBAL CRASH, MUSIC, PERCUSSION 02 (Heard once in "Swat's the Matter?" and "Peck O'Trouble".)
- Sound Ideas, CRASH, CARTOON - SHARP BASS, DRUM AND CYMBAL CRASH, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard once in "Yuk-Yuk Duck" and "Little Wonder".)
- Sound Ideas, CRASH, WOOD - LARGE WOOD CRUNCH 01 (Heard 6 times in "Let's Duck Out!", twice in "Cat-Happy Pappy" and once in "Fan-Clubbed", "Peck O'Trouble", "Pint Giant", "Treasure Jest" and "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, DOOR, WOOD - OPEN 02 (H-B) (Heard once in "Party Pooper Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, EATING, CARTOON - SHORT CHEW AND GULP 01 (Debut; heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping", "Fuss 'n Feathers", "It's a Mice Day!" and "Bud-Brothers".)
- Sound Ideas, EATING, CARTOON - SHORT CHEW AND GULP 02 (Debut; heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping".)
- Sound Ideas, ELECTRONIC - STEADY OSCILLATOR (Debut; heard once in "High & Flighty" and "Mars' Little Precious".)
- Sound Ideas, GRINDER - GRINDING BUZZ (Heard once in "Cat-Happy Pappy", "Peck O'Trouble" and "Yuk-Yuk Duck".)
- Sound Ideas, GULP, CARTOON - BIG SWALLOW (Debut; heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping".)
- Sound Ideas, GUN, RICOCHET - SHORT THIN RICOCHET, BULLET 02 (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - PINGY HEAD SHAKE (Heard once in "Hum, Sweet Hum".)
- Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - XYLO HEAD SHAKE (Heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping", "Yuk-Yuk Duck", "Bud-Brothers", "It's a Worm Day!", "The Party Lion", "Horse-Fathers" and "Party Pooper Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BILP (Heard twice in "It's a Mice Day!" and "Growing....Growing.....GONE!!!!" and once in "Big Top Pop", "Crow-Cronies", "Yuk-Yuk Duck", "Bud-Brothers", "It's a Worm Day!", "Let's Duck Out!", "The Party Lion".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BRAKE DRUM AND BULB HORN HIT (Heard twice in "Whatever Goes Pup" and once in "Pipsqueak Pop", "It's a Worm Day!", "The Party Lion", "Horse-Fathers" and "Playmate Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BRAKE DRUM HIT (Heard once in "Gone to the Ducks", "Mars' Little Precious", "Hum, Sweet Hum", "Peck O'Trouble" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - COCONUT HIT 01 (Heard once in "Peck O'Trouble" and "Let's Duck Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - COCONUT HIT 02 (Heard once in "Peck O'Trouble".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - FLAT PEEONG 01 (Heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping" and "The Party Lion".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - FLBONK (Heard twice in "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - GEDUNK (Heard once in "The Musket-Tears".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK 01 (Heard twice in "Fuss 'n Feathers" and once in "Peck O'Trouble".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK 02 (Heard once in "Peck O'Trouble" and "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK AND HORN (Heard once in "Crow-Cronies" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - KABLAM (Heard once in "Horse-Fathers".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - LID ON MANHOLE HIT (Heard once in "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - PEEONG (Heard once in "Cat-Happy Pappy" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SHRILL BILP (Heard often in "Fuss 'n Feathers" and once in "Hum, Sweet Hum", "Yuk-Yuk Duck" and "It's a Worm Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SOLID TIMP RISE (Heard once in "Nag, Nag, Nag!", "Fan-Clubbed", "Fuss 'n Feathers", "Let's Duck Out!", "The Party Lion" and "Horse-Fathers".)
- Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - TAMBOO HIT 02 (Heard once in "Watch Dog Augie", "Crow-Cronies" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, HOP, CARTOON - SINGLE JEWS HARP HOP 01 (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, HOP, CARTOON - SINGLE JEWS HARP HOP 02 (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, HORN, CARTOON - OLD BULB HORN (Heard once in "Pup Plays Pop", "Good Mouse-Keeping", "Swat's the Matter?" and "Hum, Sweet Hum".)
- Sound Ideas, HORSE, CARTOON - FAST GALLOP ON WOOD, LONG (Heard twice in "Horse-Feathers" and once in "Little Wonder".)
- Sound Ideas, KNOCK, DOOR - KNOCK ON WOOD DOOR (Heard once in "Yuk-Yuk Duck".)
- Sound Ideas, Mouth Hit 01 - Scratchy, watery blort sound/Sound Ideas, SQUISH, CARTOON - SEVERAL SQUDGES (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop", "The Party Lion" and "From Ape to Z".)
- Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, HIGH 01 (Heard once in "Whatever Goes Pup" and "The Musket-Tears".)
- Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, HIGH 02 (Heard once in "Whatever Goes Pup" and "The Musket-Tears".)
- Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, MEDIUM 01 (Heard quadrice in "Peck O'Trouble", twice in "Hum, Sweet Hum" and once in "Mars' Little Precious", "Swat's the Matter?" and "Yuk-Yuk Duck".)
- Sound Ideas, PLINK, CARTOON - SOUR PLINK (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, PLUCK, CARTOON - SINGLE BLURP (Heard quadrice in "Pipsqueak Pop", thrice in "Ro-Butler", twice in "Good Mouse-Keeping" and once in "Fan-Clubbed", "Swat's the Matter?", "It's a Mice Day!", "It's a Worm Day!", "Dough-Nutty" and "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUCK, CARTOON - VAROOP (Debut; heard twice in "It's a Mice Day!", "Bud-Brothers", "Horse-Fathers" and "Little Wonder".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUNGER, CARTOON - SINGLE PLUNGER BLOP 01 (Debut; heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, PLUNGER, CARTOON - SINGLE PLUNGER BLOP 02 (Debut; heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, POOF, CARTOON - FOOF (Heard once in "Hum, Sweet Hum".)
- Sound Ideas, POP, CARTOON - POP GUN 01 (Heard once in "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Sound Ideas, POP, CARTOON - POP GUN 02 (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, POP, CARTOON - POP GUN 03 (Heard once in "Good Mouse-Keeping".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - BOW STRING RICCO (Heard thrice in "Horse-Fathers" and "Vacation-Tripped" and once in "It's a Worm Day!", "Growing....Growing.....GONE!!!!", "Party Pooper Pop" and "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 01 (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - EXPLOSIVE RICCO (Heard often in "Good Mouse-Keeping" and once in "Cat-Happy Pappy", "Pipsqueak Pop", "Crow-Cronies", "Gone to the Ducks", "Swat's the Matter?", "Hum, Sweet Hum", "Peck O'Trouble" and "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - SHOT AND WHINE (Heard once in "Nag, Nag, Nag!", "Cat-Happy Pappy", "Swat's the Matter?", "Yuk-Yuk Duck" and "It's a Worm Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - SLICK RICCO 01 (Heard twice in "Pint Giant" and "Patient Pop" and once in "Nag, Nag, Nag!" and "Ro-Butler".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - SLICK RICCO 02 (Heard once in "Let's Duck Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - WAFFLE RICCO (Heard twice in "Horse-Fathers" and once in "It's a Mice Day!", "Bud-Brothers", "Party Pooper Pop" and "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - BONE WIPE RUN UP (Heard once in "Ro-Butler".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - FAST RUN, LONG/SHORT (Heard once in "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK RIOT, LONG/MEDIUM/SHORT (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop", "Gone to the Ducks", "Hum, Sweet Hum", "Peck O'Trouble", "Fuss 'n Feathers", "It's a Mice Day!", "Horse-Fathers" and "Little Wonder".)
- Sound Ideas, RUN, CARTOON - WIND WHISTLE SCAT (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop" and "Fuss 'n Feathers".)
- Sound Ideas, SCI FI - HRC NOSE CANNON, SINGLE (Debut; heard once in "Mars' Little Precious".)
- Sound Ideas, SIREN - OLD POLICE SIREN (Heard once in "Pup Plays Pop", "Pint Giant" and "The Party Lion".)
- Sound Ideas, SKID, CARTOON - BIG LONG SKID (Heard once in "Mars' Little Precious", "Swat's the Matter?", "Fuss 'n Feathers", "Bud-Brothers" and "The Musket-Tears".)
- Sound Ideas, SKID, CARTOON - BROKEN SKID (Heard once in "Pop's Nature Pup", "Cat-Happy Pappy", "Fan-Clubbed", "Hum, Sweet Hum", "Peck O'Trouble", "Pint Giant" and "The Musket-Tears".)
- Sound Ideas, SKID, CARTOON - SHORT CAR SKID (Heard once in "Fan-Clubbed" and "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, SKID, CARTOON - SHORT SKID (H-B) (Heard once in "Fuss 'n Feathers", "Treasure Jest" and "Growing....Growing.....GONE!!!!".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, LONG (Heard once in "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, SHORT 01 (Heard once in "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - FUNNY HEAD SCRATCH SQUEAKS (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop", "Fuss 'n Feathers" and "Bud-Brothers".)
- Sound Ideas, SQUEAK, CARTOON - FUNNY LITTLE SQUEAK (Heard 13 times in "Peck O'Trouble" and 12 times in "It's a Mice Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, STRETCH, CARTOON - RESIN STRING STRETCH (Heard once in "Whatever Goes Pup", "Swat's the Matter?", "Snagglepuss", "Hum, Sweet Hum" and "Bud-Brothers".)
- Sound Ideas, STRETCH, CARTOON - RUBBER BALLOON STRETCH (Heard once in "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, SWISH, CARTOON - FAST TWIRLING SWISH, LONG (Heard once in "Cat-Happy Pappy", "Snagglepuss", "Patient Pop", "Let's Duck Out!", "Treasure Jest" and "Growing....Growing.....GONE!!!!".)
- Sound Ideas, SWISH, CARTOON - SINGLE ROPE SWISH 01 (Heard once in "Swat's the Matter?".)
- Sound Ideas, THUD, CARTOON - DULL THUD, SINGLE, RUN 02 (Heard once in "Little Wonder" and "Party Pooper Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, THUNDER - DISTANT THUNDER ROLL, WEATHER 01 (Heard twice in "Yuk-Yuk Duck".)
- Sound Ideas, THUNDER - THUNDER CLAP AND RUMBLE, WEATHER 01 (H-B) (Heard once in "Pop's Nature Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, TIP TOE, CARTOON - XYLOPHONE TIP TOE, LONG/MEDIUM/SHORT (Heard once in "Bud-Brothers" and "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - BOWANG (Debut; heard twice in "Swat's the Matter?" and once in "Horse-Fathers" and "Playmate Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - RUBBER BAND TWANG, SINGLE 01 (Heard once in "Horse-Fathers" and "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - RUBBER BAND TWANG, SINGLE 02 (Heard once in "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - RUBBER BAND TWANG, SINGLE 03 (Heard once in "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, TWANG, CARTOON - SAW BLADE TWANG 03 (Heard once in "Swat's the Matter?".)
- Sound Ideas, WATER, DRIP - DOUG'S DRIPS, SLOW (Heard once in "Pup Plays Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, WATER, FLOW - WATER RUNNING DOWN DRAIN (Debut; heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop" and "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, WATER, SPLASH - BIG SPLASH, CARTOON (Heard once in "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, WATER, SPLASH - LIGHT SPLASH, CARTOON 01 (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop", "It's a Mice Day!" and "Let's Duck Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, WATER, SPLASH - LIGHT SPLASH, CARTOON 02 (Heard once in "Pipsqueak Pop".)
- Sound Ideas, WHINE, CARTOON - SHELL SCREAMING WHINE DOWN (Heard once in "Whatever Goes Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, WOBBLE, CARTOON - SAW BLADE WOBBLE, MEDIUM 01 (Heard once in "Pup Plays Pop", "Mars' Little Precious" and "Treasure Jest".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - XYLOPHONE: LONG GLISS UP, CARTOON, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard once in "Horse-Fathers".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - XYLOPHONE: QUICK GLISS DOWN, CARTOON, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard thrice in "Party Pooper Pop" and once in "Dough-Nutty".)
- Sound Ideas, XYLOPHONE - XYLOPHONE: QUICK GLISS UP, CARTOON, MUSIC, PERCUSSION (Heard twice in "Party Pooper Pop" and "Hand to Mouse" and once in "Vacation-Tripped".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - BIG WHISTLE ZING OUT (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - BIRD ZIP (Debut; heard twice in "It's a Mice Day!" and "Dough-Nutty" and once in "Horse-Fathers" and "Hand to Mouse".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - HIGH FIDDLE ZIP (Heard once in "Horse-Fathers" and "Little Wonder".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - KEEN ZIP OUT (Heard once in "It's a Worm Day!".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK FIDDLE ZIP UP (Heard once in "Playmate Pup".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK FIDDLE ZIP UP, HIGH (Heard once in "Patient Pop" and "Let's Duck Out!".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP IN (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP OUT (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP OUT, HIGH (Heard in multiple episodes.)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - RICCO ZIP IN 02 (R & B) (Heard once in "Ro-Butler", "Mars' Little Precious", "Swat's the Matter?", "Peck O'Trouble" and "Pint Giant".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - SHARP WHISTLE ZIP (Heard once in "Nag, Nag, Nag!".)
- Sound Ideas, ZIP, CARTOON - SHARP ZIP (Debut; heard thrice in "Party Pooper Pop", twice in "Hand to Mouse" and once in "Peck O'Trouble", "Little Wonder" and "Vacation-Tripped".)